Skills Self-audit

As the Mental Health Lead you often need to spin many plates at the same time and it can be hard to stop and reflect on your own personal development needs.

This audit allows leads to reflect on their own skills compared to the Department for Education requirements for the role.

For those attending a course through the network, then we ask leads to complete the digital version of this form before and after the training course to help us monitor and improve the training we offer. You can download a paper copy here or complete the digital one below:

Personal Skills Audit

Complete the audit for the first time:

Mental Health Lead Skills Audit (precourse)
Phases covered as Mental Health Lead (select all that apply)
Type of setting (select all that apply)

About your skills

This relates to your skill level in each and ranks from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).

Please click Save to submit this data, then click Mark Complete.

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