Advanced Designated Mental Health Lead Course (Online Self-study) (SMHL008)

Leading to a Level 4 Certificate in Mental Health Aware Leadership (Educational Mental Health Lead) in addition to accreditation as a Designated Mental Health Lead.

Discounts: If you are training a second Mental Health Lead following the departure of your previous trained Lead then you will qualify for a discount of up to 50% (previously trained with us) or 30% (trained with a different provider). Please contact with details so that we can apply your discount at the time of ordering.

We have applied for DfE funding for this course.

How does self-study work?

Through this website you will be able to view pre-recorded trainer videos. Modules are split into 10-15 minute videos so that you can work through them with a cuppa at your own pace.

You are able to download the digital materials through the website and work through the handbook as you watch the videos and complete the activities set by the trainer.

After each module you will be given questions to answer in your portfolio. These are reflective questions designed to get you to think about how you are or could (if it is not possible right now) put the learning into practice.

What support will I get?

You are able to contact us at any time by phone or email to discuss content, ask questions. You are also entitled to two complimentary mentoring sessions to help you overcome any barriers you have with embedding the learning. Participants are also invited to half termly online portfolio Q&A support sessions.

Participants are also able to access continuing for a year after starting the course to help embed their strategy through complimentary membership to the Network. This support includes access to a helpline, CPD, events such as our annual conference, a forum and online networking events.

About the course contents

The course itself starts with a module discussing the essence of the full role (as determined by the Department for Education), before moving onto a module on ethos and culture for pupils. The following modules focuses on leadership and management of the topic, pupil voice, engagement with parents, carers, the community and the staff body, including overcoming difficulties in working with others. The final part focuses on reflecting on available local mental health services for pupils, in addition to a module on understanding the mental health and wellbeing requirements in the curriculum.

Online learners self-study 10-15 minute videos to work through the contents. They are set reflective and self-study activities by the tutor to facilitate the learning and are expected to work through these as they complete the modules.


  • Understanding the Role
  • Ethos and Culture
  • Leadership and Management
  • Pupil Voice
  • Parents, Carers and Community
  • Staff Support and Development
  • Mental Health Interventions
  • Targeted Approach
  • Curriculum, teaching and learning


Once you have completed the course, you can download an attendance certificate. However, to become a qualified Advanced Mental Health Lead you must complete a portfolio based on the DfE expectations of the competencies of the role (these can be downloaded from the DfE at If you are completing the portfolio it is important that you set aside the time to complete this as there are a number of outcomes set by the DfE.

The portfolio needs to be submitted within 7 months of starting the course, which includes some self-study. This is designed to be completed as you go through the training, rather than at the end of the course.

Course Instructor

Richard Curtis Richard Curtis Trainer

Richard Curtis is the Project Lead for the National Network of Mental Health Leads and the author of the training courses. His background is in mental health nursing, primary teaching, alternative provision and local authority. He is Chair of both the National Special Educational Needs and Disability Awards, and the UK’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards.

Course preparation

All course materials are delivered digitally.

Precourse you are required to complete a personal skills audit and also a setting audit. These are both available online through If a colleague is also completing a course with us, then complete the setting audit in tandem.

Course Registration


You will be invoiced £900 plus VAT (this course can be recouped from the £1200 DfE Mental Health Lead Training Grant).




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